Emilia Reyes Flores

Emilia is a fun loving “old lady” (her words). She has been making Huaraches since she was 16-17 years old and has not looked back. We are so excited to work with her because she is “one of the best!” (again, her words) and was not shy while getting to know the Stori team.
She loves her work and often weaves from home with her daughter (who also works with us) while they discuss town gossip and listen to old Mexican music. She also enjoys the odd telenovela.
She loves Mexican cuisine. Her favorite Mexican dishes, which she proudly cooks herself, are chilaquiles (which she adamantly believes should be spicy), caldo de res (beef broth), carne asada, posole, and enchiladas. All accompanied with tortillas, obviously.
While some of the other tejedoras were concerned when we took their picture because they had not prepared – Emilia did not mind one bit!